Amber Heard source anticipates court loss for Johnny Depp despite Kate Moss testimony - The Washington Time

Amber Heard source anticipates court loss for Johnny Depp despite Kate Moss testimony

Amber looked emotional in court today as Johnny described his reaction to hearing her say that he had committed acts of “sexual violence”.

He branded her accusations against him “humiliating”, “savage” and “unimaginably brutal” before insisting that none of the allegations are true.

“No human being is perfect… but I have never in my life committed sexual battery, physical abuse, all these outlandish, outrageous stories…” he told the court.

“It’s insane to hear heinous accusations of sexual violence that she’s attributed to me [and] accused me of,” he told the court.

“I don’t think anyone enjoys having to split themselves open and tell the truth, but there are times when one just simply has to, because it’s gotten out of control.”

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