Statins: Two factors in your physique that could heighten your risk of 'muscle injury'

Medical director at Oliolusso, Monika Wassermann, noted: “In my opinion, having narrow joints, hips, and shoulders can increase the risk of statin-induced myopathy as the body lacks adequate strong tissues and cells to naturally prevent muscle injury or damage.”

Narrow hips, shoulders, and muscles can impair the proper function of the body muscles which inhibits the supply of essential enzymes and nutrients such as kinase, which prevent muscle injury and myopathy.

“Frailty, which is characterised by weak muscles that are too delicate and vulnerable to agents increases myopathy risks.”

The less physical activity and increased stress that induces frailty among the elderly can lead to muscle mass and weight loss which puts one at higher risk of muscle injury or myopathy as the muscles are weak, or poor quality and lack the needed nutrients to prevent muscle damage.”

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